Fees at Off Centre Music are considered as “Instalments”. Each enrolment year consists of 12 equal instalments which are direct debited monthly. The yearly enrolment period is from February-January.
Fees will be debited from your nominated account or credit card on the 1st of the month. These fees are debited from your nominated account by Stripe Merchant Services.
Fees will show OFF CENTRE as the debitor on your statement. Fees are paid 1 month in advance. No refunds will be issued under any circumstances.
Fees must be paid regardless of attendance. Patrons must agree to pay the amount of all owing invoices for classes taken or agreed to take as per these terms and conditions. Failure to honour payment will result in debt recovery proceedings at your expense.
For students that start mid month, fees for that month will be charged pro-rata. This will mean your first debit may be different from expected however the second debit will be as normal.
In the unfortunate event that a direct debit attempt fails a $15 fee will be added to your account - Failed Direct Debits will automatically be attempted 14 days later and may incur further dishonour fees should it fail again.
Your monthly fee takes into account weeks where lessons do not occur (i.e January and other school holidays) - spreading equal payments over 12 months is designed to keep your monthly fee as low as possible.
If a parent wishes to speak with a teacher, please do so at the beginning of class as to not affect the lessons after.
Students must be ready to enter class on time. It is advised to arrive approximately 10 minutes before your allocated class time. Lateness will be deducted from class time as to not affect the lessons after.
Parents are not permitted to enter classrooms unless invited. Please wait in parents waiting room or outside the studio for the classes to be over.
Students will be provided with all tools required for the lesson and are required to bring their music folders with them to each lessons.
Under extreme circumstances where lessons are unable to be delivered face to face, Off Centre will continue to conduct lessons remotely via Zoom or Skype where necessary during the students regularly scheduled lesson time.
By enrolling into a lesson you are reserving the teachers time for that lesson. It is an expectation of Off Centre Music that you attend all lessons at their scheduled time and organise your other events accordingly.
As our teachers are usually booked back-to-back, if a student is sick and unable to attend their lesson this is considered as a forfeited class.
Extended periods of sickness without explanation or absence may result in your lesson being cancelled and open to the next student on the wait list.
If you are unable to attend your lesson please contact our studio on 0245779557 or email [email protected] - Please do not contact your teacher directly.
Lesson enrolment and commitment is on a yearly basis. If you wish to cancel your lessons with us you must notify us in writing and pay an exit fee equal to ‘1 months tuition’ to terminate your enrolment early. This will be deducted as the next calendar month from notice provided. All inclusions that have not been received or redeemed are fortified and no refunds will be provided.
It is the responsibility of the carer/guardian to ensure the account with Off Centre is paid and up to date. Off Centre will request payments from the provider however should payments fall into arrears it is ultimately the responsibility of the carer/guardian to follow up with the funding provider.
Self Managed NDIS/DCJ etc. customers are required to sign up to autopay as normal - we will provide invoices/receipts should you need them - We do not accept direct bank deposits for self managed funding customers.